The Lunatic Farmer

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            It seems like society needs a pariah.  Sometimes it's race.  Sometimes it's beliefs, like witches.  Sometimes it's deeds, like prohibition.  The new one is folks who refuse vaccination orthodoxy.

             In an Op-Ed piece a couple of weeks ago, Jason Riley's Wall Street Journal piece preached a no-religious exemption doctrine for those who refuse vaccines.  The complicit media is awash in diatribes recently regarding the lunacy and unholiness of questioning orthodox vaccine.

             I'm careful to say orthodox vaccines rather than all vaccines.  I'm not ready to say vaccines have no efficacy.  But the current orthodoxy surrounding them is certainly over-reaching.  The vaccines administered in modern America to newborns and infants is a far cry from administering a single vaccine to adults in Africa. 

             If vaccines are efficacious, I don't understand the brouhaha about unvaccinated people venturing into public places.  If I've had my vaccines and they work, what's to fear?  The only ones susceptible are the unvaccinated, right?  And they chose that, or chose it for their kids.  And don't get me started about making wrong choices for kids.  I can think of a bunch of things parents do with their kids that aren't healthy:  like drink Coke, eat at McDonald's, play video games, live without chore responsibilities.  If we aren't going to let parents make decisions about vaccines, then we'd better take most other choices away, lest they make wrong ones for their kiddos.

             This bulletin from the Weston A. Price Foundation regarding modern orthodox vaccination policy really puts things in perspective.  Take a minute to read it and see if it resonates.

Washington, DC—June 4, 201--High concentrations of aluminum characterize the brains of autistic children, according to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.[1]

Researchers from Keele University in the U.K. examined brain tissue from deceased individuals with a diagnosis of autism, finding some of the highest values for aluminum in human brain tissue yet recorded. The research investigated brain tissue from ten donors, representing all donors available at the Autism Brain Bank, and a standout observation was the location of aluminum in primarily inflammatory, non-neuronal cells with evidence of these cells moving from blood and lymph into brain tissue.

Sources of ingested aluminum include infant formula, foods in aluminum packaging, and foods cooked in aluminum pans or foil. However, in general less than 1 percent of dietary aluminum is absorbed.[2] A highly probable source of aluminum in the brains of autistic children is vaccines. A fully vaccinated child receives almost 5,000 mcg aluminum by 18 months of age.[3] The amount of aluminum in the eight doses given at the two-month baby check-up is 1,225 mcg.[3] By contrast, the maximum allowable aluminum per day for intravenous feeding in children is 25 mcg.

U.S. vaccines containing one or more types of aluminum include diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (ST, DTAP, Td, Tdap); influenza type b (Hib); hepatitis (A and B, A/B); the meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccines; and human papillomavirus (HPV). All of these vaccines are on the CDC vaccine schedule. Babies routinely receive the hepatitis B vaccination on the first day of life.

Aluminum compounds in vaccines include aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, “aluminum salts,” amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS), and potassium aluminum sulfate.[4] Merck’s proprietary AAHS adjuvant (added to the Gardasil Hib and Hepatitis A and B vaccines) was not safety tested and is among the components blamed for the adverse reactions to the Gardasil[5] as well as hepatitis vaccines.

“Government assurances that vaccines don’t cause autism cannot hold up to this new discovery,” says Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation. “Parents are right to hesitate before injecting neuro-toxic aluminum into their children.”

One of the unique risks associated with aluminum adjuvants is an extreme autoimmune or inflammatory response. Israeli immunologist, Yehuda Schoenfeld, and his colleagues dubbed this condition, “autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants” (ASIA) and it can now be tracked in medical databases. The symptoms of ASIA include chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment and skin rashes.[6]

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a Washington, DC-based nutrition education 501(c)(3) with the mission of disseminating science-based information on diet and health. WAPF publishes a quarterly journal for its 12,000 members, supports almost 500 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference. Contact at (202) 363-4394,

Media Contact:

Kimberly Hartke, publicist

            So are moms who question orthodox vaccinations nutcases?  I don't think so, and it begs the question that every society asks at some point:  "What do we do with the lunatic fringe?  What do we do with the oddballs, the different people?"  Every society must address this question, and it's profound.  Like the ancient Romans, I suggest that if we must marginalize or criminalize the oddballs, it indicates that as a society we can't abide innovation or orthodox questioning.  It means we're stuck.  It also means we're a Henny Penny paranoid fearful intimidated society that isn't strong enough to abide some questioning from the fringes.  That's very sad.

             Do you buy the orthodox vaccine message?