The Lunatic Farmer

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            A reader wrote me a couple of days ago in a quandary about whether it's better to eat fake meat or feedlot beef.  She pointed out that the statistics and selling points of fake meat accentuate the feedlot model.

              In debate, a favorite argument is to withhold alternatives.  If I want you to agree with me, withholding options gives me a leg up on winning the argument.  If you have to choose between only two things I can paint one side beautifully and the other side horribly.  As long as only two options exist, you'll tend to side with me.

             This is exactly the tactic the fake meat crowd is using.  Don't fall for it.  It's a debate technique as old as argumentation.  The fake meat crowd compares itself only to industrial chemical feedlot beef, for example.  Or factory chickens.  It does not compare itself to pastured models or grass finishing.

             This creates a skewed option portfolio and pushes people toward accepting fake meat.  Don't fall for it.  A third option exists and that's the one that makes more nutritional and ecological sense.  It's silly to get caught up and invest emotional energy in debating just the two options.  It's the proverbial devil or the witch question.

             But the third option of mob stocking herbivorous solar conversion lignified carbon sequestration fertilization changes the debate entirely.  That's the discussion that needs to happen, but of course neither the fake meat nor factory farmed meat  crowd wants that option discussed.  The factory meat folks want to argue straight up with fake meat.  And vice versa.

             So when we step into the debate with a third option, it throws a monkey wrench in everyone's strategy.  How fun. 

             In our everyday discussions on this topic, keep in mind that it's not real meat versus fake meat.  It's pastured, GMO-free, authentic meat versus fake meat.  The distinction is important and real.  That way, all the data points disparaging real meat can be discarded and you'll be in a much better position to argue.  At each point in the debate, ask "is that factory meat or authentic meat?" 

             Of course, the person spouting off fake meat messaging bullets won't have a clue, but it'll give you an opening to discuss the real issue.  The real issue is does our food actually produce human wellness and ecological wellness.  That's the real issue. 

             Have you dbated someone over fake meat recently?

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