How long can you keep people from associating?  At some point, the desire to get together outweighs Covid risks and even regulatory pushback.  We humans are social beings; isolation has been used to punish people, break people, and as a form of torture since the dawn of civilization.

             Last month I spent a delightful day on a farm in Lancaster, Pennsylvania doing a seminar for nearly 300 Amish . . . and a few English scattered around.  I asked them about their experience with Covid.  "We didn't do anything.  A couple of very elderly folks died, but otherwise, it went through our people and we haven't had anything for months."  And they didn't wear masks or social distance.  Fascinating, no?  That was the first major seminar I've done in nearly a year and it sure felt good to be in-person performing again.

             While big conferences are at a standstill, things are definitely starting to shake loose.  One I have scheduled is coming up Mar. 9-10 in Patterson, Missouri, with Love and Purity Ministry.  A link:  www.loveandpurity.com/salatin-event.   The title is HEALING:  FARMS, FAMILIES, FAITH.   We'll do production, relationships, and marketing and I encourage anyone in the area to come for the inspiration and encouragement.

             A couple of days later, Mar. 12-13, I'll be teaming up with Chris Slattery, the brains behind POLYFACE DESIGNS, for a two-day intensive pastured poultry seminar in Pulaski, Tennessee at Teri Storey's farm.  We'll actually be building shelters and immersing ourselves in pastured poultry.  Link:  https://storeysinthedirt.com/

            Closer to home, on April 24, Joy Kuhar in Scottsville, Virginia is hosting me for an evening CELEBRATING PROVISION session.  For more information, call her cell at 804-512-2730.

             I'm thrilled that folks on farms are simply stepping up where hotels and conference centers fear to tread.  We're out in wide open spaces, without a lot of public hustle and bustle, no ventilation systems and air ducts to congregate diseases.  In unsettled times, perhaps farms are the most fitting place for people to feel welcome, safe, and affirmed in their quest for information and association.

             At our own POLYFACE FARM, we're launching a POLYFACE GATHERINGS series this summer.  Numerous organizations, including Homesteaders of America and Mother Earth News Fairs, are moving forward with large multi-thousand person events and that's a good thing. Some folks are squeamish about going to a crowded event; these much smaller, on-farm, open air venues offer fellowship without fear.   Very soon I'll be posting our summer schedule for these gatherings; they are up already on the website at www.polyfacefarms.com.

             Do you agree that it's time to start getting together?

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