Amos Miller

Sometimes things come along that need no introduction or conclusion because they stand alone.  This is one of those times.  I've known Amos Miller, an Amish farmer in Pennsylania, for many years.  He's been faithfully serving his area with good food for a long time, but obviously our friends at the USDA do not take kindly to folks who believe in choice.  Read and weep…

**Pete Kennedy, attorney, says that the Amos fared extremely well in the courtroom; the judge will require a fine, but it will be less, perhaps much less, than the state’s prosecution wanted.**

”This is a reminder of the court hearing that is taking place at 10:00 today, Monday, per telephonic phone number 1-571-353-2300 pin number 363973916# .  We would urge our members to participate if it fits your schedule. 

The USDA is hoping to get permission from the Judge to collect fines up to $250,000.  If the Judge signs the documents that USDA is hoping for, this means that we no longer can have fresh meat available after 7 days and no frozen beef, pork or chicken after 60 days.  USDA wants us to have sold all our current inventory within 60 days.  If we don't, they want permission from the Judge to destroy the rest of the food. 

I am sure this is alarming news for our members.  We have many signs and news articles that our members have sent us regarding the drought around the US & Canada that might only produce half of what usually occurs.  Plus, many farmers have gone out of business due to the monopolized food system, and also due to the rules & regulations that USDA is enforcing at this time.  I am guessing it will be to no one's liking when food could be a limiting factor.  We hope the Judge and USDA law enforcement agency, including the law makers, will not wait too long to face reality that this could happen. 

Let's pray for our country.  God will be with us till the end.  Read in Matthew, the New Testament, the Lord's Prayer - Our Father which is in heaven, etc. 

Amos Miller & Miller's Organic Farm team”