I've been listening . . .

 I didn't mean I wished some races were not in America.  I meant those who thought America prohibited their chance to thrive should change their situation.  I don't like anyone who hates and I'm heartbroken that some people think this nation denies them opportunity.  I want everyone to have opportunity, and if someone feels so strongly that it's impossible, then work within the rule of law, within civil and respectful means, to change location or law. 

 I'm mortified that careless words could make others think I feel like that toward them.  So please forgive the heated and racist-sounding sentence; I absolutely understand and appreciate why you'd be offended, and I'm sorry.  That was certainly not my intent and I'm wiser for the lesson.

It took awhile to process the depth and specificity of the offense, but I get it now and will better articulate my thoughts in the future. 


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